Ghizer Valley

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                       Ghizar the land of lakes

Ghizar district comprises of several independent and isolated valleys including Puniyal, Gupis, Yasin, Ishkoman, Phander as distinct feature of each. It is rich with historical, cultural, archaeological and natural beauty. It is located in the west of Gilgit the famous Shandur Chitral Road passes along the district with attractions of local villages and spectacular views of snow covering peaks, rivers and lakes all along the way. The people of the district are peaceful welcoming the visitors with warm hearts. There are hotels, guest houses and home stay facilities for the travelers to dine and stay in peaceful environment.

The district is unique because of geographical spread and connectivity as well as cultural diversity. Traditions, norms and values add to the beauty of the valley.  Trekking, mountaineering, culture tours, trout fishing and rafting in the Ghizar River is the most common attraction in the district.

The significance of the district is quadrupled by the Shandur Pass over which the historical and traditional polo festival is played between arch rival teams of Gilgit and Chitral every summer in highest polo ground of the world. Apart from this festival there are many local and national festivals are celebrated in the district with ancient cultural beauty in which the Tukhum Razzi (Seed Sowing) Festival of Yasin is one of the most interesting festival celebrated to the beginning of the Spring Season every year. Such as Yasin in the Ishkoman Valley it is also celebrated in the spring season and many other festivals are worth to visit for the visitors and culture lovers.

Ghizar district has great potential for trekking within the region and across the region to explore the natural beauty. There are more than 30 trekking area crossing passes from one valley to another valley with diverse culture of each valley. There passes easy to moderate and technical suiting to capacity of the people.

There are numerous peaks from 5000 meters to 6600meters for low altitude climbers and for those who want to climb in short time along with a trekking. There are many peaks waiting for climbers to scale and give a name that are unnamed yet.

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